Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Year resolutions(NYR)

Is it too late to talk about nyr? i hope not, i made one and i intend to follow thru. My resolution is to lose some weight, i mean the baby weight. these days i eat like crazy and i think im picking up the bad habit of eating when im bored. i know its bad and i intend to nip it in the bud. sometimes i eat even when im not hungry and i tell my self oh its for the baby. but lately i realize that im gaining weight especially around my tummy and i cant fit in some of my cute lil tops. the question is - Is it safe for me to diet while breastfeeding?
i know its going to be difficult to lose weight without going to the gym, but its possible.


  1. Well, weight issues are so personal that i dont think i have the right to offer any comment. It is all about how you feel about yourself. If you are not comfortable about how you feel then do something about it. However, in your case, i think the welfare of the child should be paramount. You can embark on your new years resolution for as long as it doesn't interfere with your ability to care for your baby.

  2. I also think that weight issues are personal but in your case I don't think you have to diet or go to the gym in order to loose some tummy weight.
    You can do some tummy exercises right from your living room or with the help of those TV channels.
    They are very effective and I think Nhyira may find it amusing and so may help out when she sees mummy lying on the carpet rolling around just like she does all day.

  3. thanks, i hate those crunches, but I'll try it anyway,i guess i have to be consistent, discipline and try and exercise at least 30mins a day
    whew! im soo not looking forward to it!
