Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Becareful what you wish for,9b


A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his
wife stayed home.

He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:

"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my
wife merely stays at home.

I want her to know what I go through.

So, please allow her body to switch with mine for a day Amen!"

God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish.

The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman

He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate,

Awakened the kids,

Set out their school clothes,

Fed them breakfast,

Packed their lunches,

Drove them to school,

Came home and picked up the dry cleaning,

Took it to the cleaners

And stopped at the bank to make a deposit,

Went grocery shopping,

Then drove home to put away the groceries,

Paid the bills and balanced the check book.

He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.

Then, it was already 1P.M.

And he hurried to make the beds,

Do the laundry, vacuum, Dust, And sweep and mop the kitchen

Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument
with them on the way home.

Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their

Then, set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the

At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for
salad, breaded the pork chops and

Snapped fresh beans for supper.

After supper,

He cleaned the kitchen,

Ran the dishwasher,

Folded laundry,

Bathed the kids,

And put them to bed.

At 9 P.M ..

He was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished,
he went to bed where he was expected

To make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.

The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and
said: -

"Lord, I don't know what I was thinking.

I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all

Please, oh! Oh! Please, let us trade back.


The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied:

"My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy
to change things back to the way they were.

You'll just have to wait nine months, though. You got pregnant
last night."

This has been voted Women's Favorite E-mail of the Year!

If you agree, send it to all your friends who would enjoy this.

Monday, January 26, 2009

cold hearted cold

You know how horrible you feel when you have the cold- the body aches and pains, the stuffy and runny nose and the whole breathing thru the mouth thing? well imagine that happening to a baby! baby cold is really hard on babies- they cant really tell you how they feel, where they ache and most of all they do not know the simple act of breathing properly. I tell yah a baby with a cold and stuffy nose is a sorry sight to behold. In my case i cried for my baby and i ache for her too and there is nothing i could do too relieve her discomfort and pain but to hold her, spray and stick an aspirator into her nose ( OMG! it breaks my heart just thinking about it)
welcome to the world babies! its an unfair and cruel world!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while becos i was indisposed and was in such pain i just couldn't think straight. my comment on the Obama inauguration? it was a very nice ceremony. I heard bits and pieces of his speech. Also Im trying to wean Nana off night time feeding. it really hard. Any tips?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Miracle @ the Hudson

Yesterday one of American Airline flights with its 150 passengers and crew crashed into the Hudson river in Manhattan New York. Thank God they all survived, apart from a few people who sustained injuries( they were not life threatening) . i know for a fact that they was a 2 month old baby on the plan too. The Media is calling it Miracle on the Hudson River, but i' vent heard anybody mention God in this encounter, it cant be a miracle without God. the Pilot is been praised as a hero and a savior. He didn't save the crew and the passengers God did! so don't call it a miracle if you wont acknowledge God's hand in this encounter.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ashaiman NDC takes over public toilets

As you all know electorates gave a new Mandate to the NDC to govern for 4 years, typical of Africa, the new govt has embarked upon a policy of discontinuing most of the projects of the former govt among them freezing all construction of infrastructure and taking over management of public toilets. According to Ghanaweb, NDC supporters in Ashiaman a suburb of Accra marched into the office of the management of these facilities and took over monies and drove the managers away. how typical!

New Year resolutions(NYR)

Is it too late to talk about nyr? i hope not, i made one and i intend to follow thru. My resolution is to lose some weight, i mean the baby weight. these days i eat like crazy and i think im picking up the bad habit of eating when im bored. i know its bad and i intend to nip it in the bud. sometimes i eat even when im not hungry and i tell my self oh its for the baby. but lately i realize that im gaining weight especially around my tummy and i cant fit in some of my cute lil tops. the question is - Is it safe for me to diet while breastfeeding?
i know its going to be difficult to lose weight without going to the gym, but its possible.

Monday, January 12, 2009

All Thru the Night

Nana slept thru the night! yeah! wow! i mean she slept for 10hrs straight and then slept for another 2hrs, mdh and I really had a good sleep. what was so special about last night? it baffles me. last night i was worried that she didn't have any cereal before bed. instead i fed her rice and butter and she ate i tiny bit. that was all,and oh and maybe she didn't have a long nap like she is used to. But i didn't expect this wow! i was rooting for the worse. its a miracle!
i also noticed that Nana prefers hand feeding rather than spoon feeding. its really hard to hand feed cereal and puree fruits and veggies to her.
so this afternoon i hand fed her mash potato and butter and she enjoyed it! weird eh? i guess she is used to watching me use my hand to eat. Good for her, bad for me. oh well i hope she continues sleeping thru the night. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

MY Dear Husband(mdh)

fatherhood has been tougher on mdh too. He is not getting much sleep either and for him the difficult part is going to work, not only is he tired but sleepy becos his 7months got up around midnight and decided she wanted to play Peek-a-boo. Even though he is tired he has to do his job like everybody else, that is tough.
He has been very supportive with me as well, he always listens whenever i want to vent and cry sometimes( i do that a lot) he helps with the baby, he wants to to more its just that the baby wont allow him. like im the only one who can put her to sleep or feed her, she just wont allow her daddy to hold or cuddle her when she wakes up at night. it breaks mdh's heart when she does that.
but this is all going to change, becos mdh is going to start feeding her. he already baths for her and she likes that a lot.
im hoping that by the end of the month she will be used to daddy feeding and putting her to bed.
any ideas?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

crazy love

I got a gift voucher from Old navy and i thought to my self Hmmm! finally! im going to get that Capri pants Ive been eying for months @ old navy. i drove to oldnavy this morning with my Nana and i walked straight to the baby girls department! I ended up spending everything on Nana and more! what about the Capri pants? i didnt even zip past the women's department to see if it was on sale! i got home and while having lunch i remembered the pants. are u crazy girl?
what is this ? is it love or what? that mums cant stop buying for their little ones? i dont even care that i haven't shopped for my self in a long time.
and the funny thing is, i keep telling my self - " oh you dont need new clothes now,you are going to have another baby,why bother"
what? having another baby ? are you crazy? you can barely make it thru the day with Nana and you are thinking of another baby?
call me crazy,but i have a notion that the 2nd baby will be much easier to handle and i will be much more experience .
we ll see

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Nana is 71/2 months, her favorite food is avocado. trust me it is avocado and you wont hear her complain! im also looking forward to the day i feed in her high chair. right now its impossible to feed her in her chair cos she keeps turning her head and i dont want to jam the spoon into her mouth( jam is too strong a word maybe force will be appropriate)
we tried yogurt on Friday and waited for the 4 days rule-verdict? no reaction and she loved it still waking up like 3times,im so use to this ritual. its what motherhood is about.
believe me it was very difficult accepting the fact that my life has changed, that i can get my 8hr sleep. i used to cry that it wasnt fair that my life was over. but i came to the realization that its a small sacrifice to make compared to trying to have a baby for years. im responsible for her and she depends so much on me for her every need and its a task i take very seriously.
its healthy for me to feel the way i do right? is it normal?
sometimes i feel that im ungrateful to God. oh well who am i kidding? God knows my heart and He knows i love my Nana .
she is sleeping

Monday, January 5, 2009

i agree that having a baby changed everything in my sane life. believe me i love my Nana,Oh Gosh! just thinking about how much i adores her gives me goose bump and i will protect her with my life. its just that every thing changes and its not about you anymore. a typical day for me goes like this...
i wake up when my Nana wakes up , which can range from 6-10am ( on the average i have between 5-6 hrs of sleep, 1st i get 2hrs and after an hr & 1/2 i get another 4 or 3 hrs)
i play with her for a while and then i change the diaper, sometimes when I'm lucky i get the poopy diaper which for your information smells like shit!
next is feeding time and i dread that most cos my Nana is very picky. it takes between 15 - 45 min after which i look like i swam in a bowl of baby cereal.
she plays for a while and then takes a nap
(she is taking her nap right now and the house is so quite and i miss her already)
i feed her like 3-4 times daily and she is still nursing sparingly during the day and heavily during night time. my Hubby and I are going to have a ball the day she sleeps thru the night! cant wait!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

1st Timer

Wow! This is the 1st time I’m actually blogging and it’s so weird. I feel like I’m washing my dirty linen outside but I hear its fun, so why not

I’m Nana’s mum and I’m always in a hurry to go to sleep after I put her to bed. Why? Becos she is 7 months old and she is still not sleeping thru the night and I feel like every time I have to catch a sleep here and there.

She went to bed around 8.30pm and was up after 45mins, im the only one who can put her to bed so my DH had to console her while I finish with my shower. I wouldn’t mind some advice on how to get my Nana to sleep thru the night. I could go on and on but I need to get some sleep before she wakes up again.